Airpop® - Expanded Polystyrene

Properties of Airpop®
Light weight
Retains its shape
Excellent insulation
High shock absorption
Insensitive to moisture
Complete three-dimensional freedom of design
Durable, rot free, fungal proof and resistant to UV radiation
Not hazardous to health
Environmentallly friendly and completely recyclable (contains 98% air)
Extremely competitively priced
What is Airpop® - Expanded Polystyrene?
Airpop® is the new name of EPS (Expanded Polystyrene or styrofoam). Airpop® is a smart solution for many packaging issues and has many unique properties.
Airpop® contains 98% air and just 2% solid material. It is extremely light yet highly impact resistant and therefore an excellent shock absorber. Airpop® is not affected by moisture, does not rot, is fungal proof and resistant to UV radiation. EPS is available in many colours and due to its insulating properties is extremely suitable for use at higher and lower temperatures. This durable material is extremely hygienic, not hazardous to health and is 100% recyclable, therefore very environmetally friendly. Due to its flexible properties, products can be supplied in EPS in any three-dimensional design. Even the smallest details are possible, which guarantees complete form and design freedom.